Wednesday 27 January 2016

New teacher

En Matt és un dels professors que s'ha incorporat aquest any a Cambridge School.
Com us vàrem dir, anirem coneixent de mica en mica els professors i per això li hem fet unes quantes preguntes:

C       Where are you from?
M    Stoke-On-Trent, England.
C       Which is your favorite Spanish food?
M    My favourite Spanish food is a Spanish Omelette!
C       What do you do in your free time?
M    In my free time I like to play guitar, read books, and watch my football team, Stoke City! (ex. Barcelona legend, Bojan, is a player there).
C       What kind of music do you like?
M    I like rock music, especially artists like The Doors, Led Zeppelin, and Neil Young.
C       Do you understand or speak Spanish or Catalan?
M    I don’t, but I’m taking beginner Spanish classes with the Cambridge School in Granollers!
C       How long have you lived in Catalonia?
M    Only three months!
C       Name a book you’re read recently.
M    I’ve recently read a book called The Political Brain by Drew Westen, but I’m also trying to read the Game of Thrones books!
C       And what is the film you’re watched recently in the cinema?

M    I haven’t been to the cinema for a long time, but the last film I went to see was Interstellar! 

The witch's broomstick

Ahir, a la biblioteca Marc de Vilalba, en el marc dels contes en anglès a càrrec de Cambridge School es fa fer el conte The witch's broomstick

Friday 15 January 2016

Cambridge School are going to participate in the "Mitja"

Granollers Half Marathon - Raising Money for Mans Unides

Aquests són els esportistes solidaris de Cambridge School: Gemma, David McSam S, Sam K, Núria, Tamara, Laura LlLexJake, Nicholas and DaniEl diumenge 7 de febrer participaran en la Mitja Marató de Granollers, els diners recaptats aniran al projecte de Mans Unides - programa per ajudar a les dones que viuen en l'extrema pobresa a la Índia.

Tothom està convidat a patrocinar a aquests esportistes fent una donació de 5 o 10 € a través del següent enllaç L'objectiu és arribar a la xifra total de 450 €. Cambridge School fa una donació de 123 €.

Traveling through time

El grup de T4 va preparar una càpsula del temps i ens ensenyen quines coses hi posarien.
La càpsula la van tancar el 2015 i es podràn obrir en el futur, molt i molt llunyà.

Friday 8 January 2016

La Directora

Julia Cross, és la directora de Cambridge School Cardedeu d'ença més de 10 anys.

C.      Where are you from?
J. Northampton
C.      Which is your favorite Spanish food? 
J. Galician style Octupus
C.      What do you do in your free time?
J. Spinning, aerobics, walking, meet up with friends.
C.      What kind of music do you like?
J. Pop, rock, jazz
C.      Do you understand or speak Spanish or Catalan?
J. Yes, I speak Spanish fluently and can understand Catalan perfectly but am not used to speaking it. If I speak it, I tend to translate from Spanish.
C.      How long have you lived in Catalonia?
J. Since the Barcelona Olympics in 1992!!
C.      Name a book you’re read recently.
J. I’m reading Before you go to sleep at the moment.
C.      And what is the film you’re watched recently in the cinema?

J. Transylvania 2 – I think that was the name of it!