Wednesday 25 September 2019

Vivim la plaça

El dissabte 28 de setembre al matí,  vine a pintar amb nosaltres, estarem a la Plaça St. Joan (Pça de l'Ajuntament) de Cardedeu.

Tuesday 24 September 2019

The naughty pancake

Us informem que el proper 30 de setembre comença la temporada de contes infantils a Cardedeu dins de la programació de It's Story Time a càrrec de Cambridge School.

El primer dels contes és The Naughty Pancake. 

De ben segur que el gaudireu.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Monday 9 September 2019

Els beneficis d'obtindre el C1 Advanced

Opening doors to opportunities with C1 Advanced
Do your students want to prove their English skills to the world? C1 Advanced is a globally recognised qualification that shows students have the English language skills needed to follow an academic university course taught in English. It’s accepted by all UK universities including the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of Manchester, University of Edinburgh and King’s College London, and every university in Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. Also recognised by Harvard University, Stanford University and the National University of Singapore, it is one of the most highly regarded advanced English language qualifications.
Targeted to C1 level of the CEFR, our C1 Advanced qualification proves learners can communicate with a high degree of fluency, and can therefore confidently participate in meetings, tutorials or seminars. 
Introduce your students to C1 Advanced to give them the skills they need to succeed in English-speaking countries.

Find out more about the benefits of C1

We answer five common questions on C1 Advanced
From finding out how long your students should be spending on each section of their exam, to the importance of spelling, Andy Cherrington, Assessment Manager at Cambridge Assessment English, answers five frequently asked questions around our C1 Advanced qualification.